Father's Sunday, 4/26/2020 Message


Once again we seem to have a repetition of a Scripture passage in a short period of time, and, today it is the Gospel.  It was only a week and a half ago on Easter Wednesday that this Gospel was provided for us, but, since it is my favorite Gospel, I am fine with hearing it again.  It is the Gospel called the Road to Emmaus.  Since I will have the ability to preach about in the live streamed Mass this morning, I will just provide something brief here.  The true meaning of the passage is that it reveals the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  He is walking with us, helping us to discover Him to the point that we don't ever want Him to leave, but, "To Stay With Us."  

See you at Mass. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.
Lesley Quesada