Father's Message, 8/06/2020 Message


In celebrating the Feast of the Transfiguration, we have an opportunity to focus on the virtues of hope and love.  Hope is now not just something unseen in the distant future, but it is made real to us now because we can see the glory meant for us also of being with Jesus in heaven.  Talking with Him as Moses and Elijah are doing, with no more pain, or suffering, but, just enjoying sharing in the glory of God. 

Love, because it involves an intimate union with Jesus.  When Peter speaks of building three tents to remain there, He doesn't want to leave. However, Jesus wants the Apostles to know that others must know and feel what they are feeling at that moment. The sharing is actually a way to make that feeling last, because, as you share it, it is able to be reinforced more deeply in the heart of the one sharing it. 

St. John will tell us this very truth, when he says, and I am just paraphrasing, that what was given to us we hand on to you, so that our joy may be complete. As an added thought for reinforcing this, you are only able to share it, because someone has loved you so deeply and they wanted you to know it.  It is those words we hear about “having a hidden life with Christ.”  This love has so moved and entered my heart, and even though I tell others it continues to grow more intimately in me.  That is what Jesus is doing also, in that He is revealing the love of the Father and the Holy Spirit to us, that only He knew before. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada