Father's Saturday, 7/4/2020 Message


For those who may never have attended a Mass on Independence Day, I am writing to make you aware of how seriously the Catholic Church recognizes this day, because She understands the reality of how necessary it is to have God as the center of Society.  I would encourage you to go to the website for the LOOP at  theloop@catholicvote.org and read the brief words from Popes St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis on their visits to America over the years. 

Here is the Opening Prayer from today’s Mass which you will see encapsulates the beautiful reality of the true meaning of God and country:  “Father of all nations and ages, we recall the day when our country claimed its place among the family of nations; for what has been achieved we give You thanks, for the work that still remains we ask Your help, and as You have called us from many peoples to be one nation, grant that under Your providence, our country may share Your blessings with all the peoples of the earth.  Through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.”

God bless you,
Fr. Robert

Lesley Quesada