Father's Wednesday, 6/10/2020 Message


Today’s first reading is probably one of the most dramatic in portraying the power of God.  The background for it is that these 450 prophets of the false god Baal, and the 400 prophets of the false god Ashteroth came under the orders of the evil Queen Jezebel.  Elijah poses a challenge to the Israelite people; to either believe in the false gods, collectively called Baal, or, to believe in the One True God. 

From morning until evening the prophets shout, and jump around, and even slash themselves while calling to their false gods, all to no avail. Elijah even provokes them, but it is shown at the end of the passage that he does because he wants them to return to their senses.  The fire that God sends down from heaven to consume Elijah's sacrifice, and everything else, the stone, the wood, the water, all are meant to signify God's power to defeat all of our enemies.  The fire should also be reminiscent to us of the fire of the Holy Spirit that descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost, and us in Baptism and Confirmation.  This heavenly fire that is also here for us to refute error and false teachings. 

God bless you, 
Fr. Robert

Lesley Quesada