Father's Friday, 6/19/2020 Message


Today we celebrate the Solemnity of The Sacred Heart of Jesus.  A search on the Internet will show that volumes have been written on this devotion.  But, what is the primary, or, main purpose of it?  It is really very simple: It is God showing the depths of His love for us, and, revealed in a real way through the Heart of Jesus. 

It is this Heart which beats and burns with love for us so ardently, and, intensely, that hopefully, we are not able, or, will even desire to resist, but instead, just allow ourselves to be so captivated, that we never want to leave Its embrace. 

We often pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  Pope St. John Paul II used his Angelus Addresses during the summers of 1985 - 1989 to provide teaching and meditations on each of the 33 petitions in the prayer.  I encourage you to seek those out and pray with them. 

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada