Father's Monday, 6/22/2020 Message


As I started my Homily this morning, I will start this Post in the same way.  We are familiar with the expression “do not discuss religion, or politics” if you want to maintain friendships.  But, the two martyred Saints we celebrate today, Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More would challenge that statement, because, not to promote it is to not have a true understanding of our Catholic Faith. 

In fact, St. Thomas More as Lord Chancellor of England is the Patron Saint of Attorneys and Politicians.  I believe that the confusion is derived, or, comes about from a lack of the true understanding of the word Politics.  It means the authority entrusted to someone in a geographical area to maintain, or, to provide for the good of those people within it.  When the failure to understand that all legitimate authority comes from God is when things begin to either break down, or, to never accomplish its purpose. 

Even if someone does not believe in God, it does not change this purpose because truth can not be changed (See the Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraphs 2234 -2257). The words of St. Thomas More, “I am the king’s good servant, but, God’s first,” shows us that only when God is prominent, is society able to be fruitful and faithful to its purpose.  I would encourage you to watch the movie about St. Thomas More called “A Man For All Seasons,” based upon the Scripture passage to proclaim the Gospel in season and out.  Let us thank God, and, continue to pray that our current administration is always faithful to promoting religious freedom even when opposed from many sources.  Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More Pray for us. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada