Father's Monday, 5/11/2020 Message


I will title this one, "Good Days and Bad Days," using the Readings from Acts for today and tomorrow, as I plan to write about the Chrism Mass that the Bishop will celebrate tomorrow.  We see that at the beginning of today's first reading, Sts. Barnabas and Paul escape stoning in one city, and preach so powerfully in another, and work a miracle of healing through the power of Jesus, that they are worshiped as Greek gods.  Of course they decline to rejoice in this "Good Day," but, instead give glory to the true God. 

Tomorrow they do not escape from the city, and they will be stoned, a "Bad Day," yet, they will still give glory to God. Though we may never experience such extremes as being worshiped as gods, or physically being stoned, we will experience times of highs and lows. So, what makes it possible to hold fast, and, even rejoice in good times and bad? 

We find the answer in today's Gospel, namely, that we are deeply loved by our Father, revealed to us by Jesus, and, continually reminded of this by the Holy Spirit.  May this revelation of the intimate love of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for each of us, on an individual and personal basis, be our source of hope and consolation in all situations. 

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada