Father's Monday, 5/18/2020 Message


Today, we celebrate what would have been the 100th birthday of Pope St. John Paul II.  So, I will provide some information about him, but, what I believe is the most important gift he gave to us is to be aware of God's Mercy for us, and, that we are called into an intimate relationship with Him.  Pope St. John Paul II expressed that by his words on the balcony of the Vatican soon after his election when he made two statements:  "Open Wide the Doors to Christ," and "Be Not Afraid," for he knew that love casts out all fear. Karol Wojtyla was born in Wadowice, Poland, on 18 May 1920, the son of a captain in the Polish army and a school teacher. His mother died when he was eight years old and his elder brother died when he was twelve. In 1938 he entered the Jagiellonian University in Cracow to read language and literature in the department of philosophy. His studies were interrupted by the war and he went to work in a stone quarry and then a chemical plant. After his father's death in 1942 he entered the secret seminary (college for the training of priests) in Cracow.  FACTS: 264th Pope: First non-Italian pope since Adrian VI (Dutch, 1522-1523):Youngest (age 58 at election) since Pius IX (aged 54 at election in 1846): 3rd longest pontificate in history, from Oct. 16, 1978 to April 2, 2005.  TRAVEL: 92 papal visits to 122 countries;  Over 1 million kilometres travelled outside Italy; 500 days spent travelling; Over 3,000 speeches made on travels; 3 million people, Manila 1995 - largest public crowd ever for one person. WRITINGS: ENCYCLICALS:1979 - Redemptor Hominis - on redemption and dignity of human race;1980 - Dives et Misericordia - on God's mercy; 1981 - Laborem Exercens - on human work; 1985 - Slavorum Apostoli - on Sts Cyril and Methodius; 1986 - Dominum et Vivificantem - on the Holy Spirit; 1987 - Redemptoris Mater - on Mary; 1987 - Sollicitudo Rei Socialis - on social concerns; 1991 - Redemptoris Missio - on the Church's mission; 1991 - Centesimus Annus - on work and social questions; 1993 - Veritatis Splendor - on the Church's moral teaching; 1995 - Evangelium Vitae - on human life;1995 - Ut Unum Sint - on ecumenism;1998 - Fides et Ratio - on faith and reason; 2003 - Ecclesia de Eucharistia - on the Eucharist; BOOKS: 1994 - Crossing the Threshold of Hope; 1996 - Gift and Mystery; 2003, Roman Tryptych, Meditations.  Pope St. John Paul II, pray for us. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert

Lesley Quesada