Father's Saturday, 5/02/2020 Message

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

Today we celebrate the Memorial of St. Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church.  He is known for vigorously defending the Incarnation of Jesus Christ as True God and True Man, against the heresy of Arianism, which denied the Divinity of Jesus Christ.  He was instrumental in having the word,  "Consubstantial" (of the same substance) placed in the Nicene Creed that we pray in Mass.  He shows us that in every century, it is necessary to uphold, and teach the fullness of truth revealed to us by Jesus Christ.  This is the mission of the Catholic Church, from the very beginning as we are seeing in the Acts of the Apostles, and, especially as it pertains to the Holy Eucharist, taught in all its beauty in today's Gospel.  May the profession of St. Peter, and the holy witness of St. Athanasius, be examples to us that we also are called to live and make this truth known. 

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada