The Novena to St. Monica Starting Tuesday, 8/18

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Every saint we ask for intercessory prayers is a persistent saint. They're in Heaven with our Lord, and they desire for us all to be there too.

This next saint we're calling on is especially known for being a persistent intercessor, and she also desired for those closest to her to reach Heaven someday... 

It's St. Monica! We'll start praying the St. Monica Novena on Tuesday, August 18th.

St. Monica prayed for her son's conversion for more than 15 years. She wept and prayed constantly with faith and hope in God. 

What was the result of all those years of prayer? 

One of the great saints in the history of the Church: her son, St. Augustine! 

That's why Saint Monica is known for her intercession for those who have fallen away from the faith!

It's also why we recommend that you pray this novena with the intentions that you've been praying for the longest – St. Monica is the perfect intercessor for those intentions!

In addition, Saint Monica is also the patron saint of alcoholics, married women, mothers, wives, and difficult marriages. 

Lesley Quesada