Bishop Gainer, out of great concern for the health and wellbeing of the faithful, has suspended all public Masses in the Diocese.


For those who may not have heard yet, Fr. Joe Carolin passed away on Holy Saturday, April 11, 2020 at approximately 9:00 PM.

At the time I am writing this, no funeral arrangements have come from the Diocese. With churches being currently closed, it is highly unlikely that there will be any public celebration where a large gathering of people would be able to attend. In light of Fr. Joe’s long, and beloved relationship with the priests, and parishioners of St. Andrew’s Parish, once we return to our church being open again, we will plan on having a Memorial Mass celebrated for him. He will not be forgotten. Thank you for your patience and understating.

God bless you, Fr. Robert


Here is a picture from St. John's Gospel that occurs shortly after today's passage. 

In it we see Mary Magdalene still in a state of darkness, or, unbelief.  She weeps with sorrow, as Jesus gazes upon her. She will soon see Him, but, think He is the Gardener until He calls her name, "Mary," and she will recognize His voice, and she will be filled with joy.  In this we learn, that the joy Jesus desires for us comes from knowing, and recognizing His voice. The One Who has risen from the dead, calls us each by name, to come, walk, and live with Him. 

Happy Easter Everyone, Alleluia!!  Fr. Robert 


Since I will not be able to bless the Easter Food in person this Holy Saturday morning, I wanted to provide the Prayer of Blessing so that you may be able to continue this wonderful tradition of asking God's blessing upon your first family meal to be celebrated after the sacrificial season of Lent.  

With hands joined together:
Prayer of Blessing

God of glory, the eyes of all turn to You

as we celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death.

Bless us and this food of our first Easter meal.

May we who gather at the Lord's table continue

to celebrate the joy of His resurrection,

and be admitted finally to His heavenly banquet.

Grant this through Christ Our Lord.  Amen

You may then sprinkle the food with Holy Water if you have it available.


On this day we call Good Friday, we have a chance to see what the words of Simeon to Our Blessed Mother mean when he said that Jesus "would be a sign of contradiction."  No greater example can we have as we gaze upon God, in His human nature, Who came among us to teach us how to live, and, how to love, but, instead was bruised, beaten, and crucified on the Cross.  And, through all of that He is still here for us, to love and forgive us.  Perhaps in this time of uncertainty, we can use it as a time of quiet contemplation of God with us. When I was growing up, my friends and I would be reminded by our parents to remain quiet during the hours of Noon to 3 PM. The hours Our Lord hung upon the Cross.

Please join with us at 3:00 PM for the Liturgy of Our Lord's Passion. We will be live streaming on Facebook, and then it will be available on You Tube.

Please have a Crucifix with you as you watch, so, that you can participate with us for the Veneration of the Cross.

I am attaching a picture that my uncle, Fr. Eugene DelConte, an Augustinian priest, drew when he was 83 years old.  He passed away in 2016 at the age of 90.

God bless you, Fr. Robert

Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 12.56.55 PM.png

The Divine Mercy

In times of great need, and darkness over the world, Jesus wants us to know that He is here for us.  As He appeared to St. Faustina in the 1930's, shortly before the world was to be at war, so, now we are at war against an invisible evil, an enemy that attacks us from within. He had told Moses to mark the doorposts of their homes for protection.  I am offering this Image of Divine Mercy for you to print out as many copies as you need, and consider placing them on the outer part of the doors on your home, showing that Jesus is our safe refuge, and, we place our trust in Him. 

God Bless You, Fr. Robert 

During this time, we have gathered some spiritual resources for you


Bishop’s Easter Letter

Sunday Prayer for April 5

Urbi et Orbi blessing


continuance of restrictions

image of divine mercy printout

From our Pastor

Spiritual Communion