Father's Friday, 4/17/2020 Message



Today, I would like to provide two images, one representing the Gospel, and one conveying the continuing account of what occurred yesterday in the Acts of the Apostles.  As I wrote, it is as if we are seeing a before, and, after view.  What occurs in the after is made possible, from what has been learned in the before.  The Apostles we see in Acts, are men who experienced what they are now able  to give, and share with others.  They were once uncertain of Who Jesus was, for they asked many times, "Who is this, Who can do such things?"  They did not understand blindness, and being crippled as somehow being made able to glorify God.  In today's Gospel, we see a healing taking place.  Jesus is once again with His Apostles, serving them, and, this being with them allows them to heal, for they are in need of healing.  In the Acts, Peter and John heal the crippled man, for he is in need.  What they learned from Jesus is now being applied in their lives. 

May we allow Jesus to teach us, so, that what we learn from Him, we also may do. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada