Father's Saturday, 4/18/2020 Message


If you have been following along for the past few days, you will see that in the First Reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we are still engrossed in the progression of events after Sts. Peter and John heal the crippled man in the Name of Jesus.  For the Sanhedrin, these Apostles were seen as a great threat.  Why?  For the Sanhedrin, believing in Jesus would represent a loss of power, prestige, and honor for them.  They considered themselves the elite, above others, we see this in how they consider the Apostles to be uneducated, ordinary men.  But, if we peer into the Gospel today, we will see that the Apostles seem to possess this same mindset, for we are told that they are unbelieving also of all those who are coming to them with accounts of having seen Jesus.  So, what can change us, and, help us to believe?  It is ultimately a heart that will allow itself to be loved.  Once this happens, then great things are possible, joy replaces sadness, hope replaces despair, life replaces death, God replaces self.  This is the golden thread that runs through out all of Sacred Scripture, God has come to reveal to us our life in Him. And, so, the trial before the Sanhedrin is really one of choosing between who we will follow.  May we be open to embrace follow Him.

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada