Father's Sunday, 4/19/2020 Message


Today will celebrate the Octave, or 8th Day of Easter.  In theology, the 8th day has the significance of being thought of as a new beginning, or, creation.  God is doing something wonderful that He wants us to be aware of, and to take part in His gift.  Sunday, the day of Our Lord's Resurrection is considered the 8th day of creation, because, new life is given to us in Christ.  We are meant to be fruitful, and, multiply in bringing forth new life in the Church.  This is what we are witnessing in the Acts of the Apostles.  The preaching by the Apostles of Who Jesus Christ is, and of His rising from the dead is drawing more, and more people into this new life established by Jesus Christ that is known as the Catholic Church. This invitation into life with Him is a beautiful gift of His love, of His Mercy. His words, "Come, do not be unbelieving, but, believe," should cause us to proclaim the same words as St. Thomas, "My Lord and my God."  

May God bless you on this Divine Mercy Sunday, Fr. Robert.

Mass will be live streamed at 8:30 AM, and Divine Mercy Holy Hour from 2 to 3 PM.

Lesley Quesada