Father's Monday, 4/20/2020 Message


We are familiar with the expression, "A picture paints a thousand words," which means that being able to see something can help us to understand its meaning more easily than having a long diatribe given to us.  I believe this picture conveys this truth.  In it we see Jesus and Nicodemus engaged in a conversation at night as the Scriptures tell us.  In Scripture "night" often represents an aspect of doubt, or uncertainty.  However, when Jesus is present in the night, then we can be assured that He wants to use it for good.  He used to spend entire nights in prayer to His Father, and, so, He is teaching us that in the quiet of the night, we can pray with Him.  He can teach us what He wants us to know, namely, that He wants to be with us, and, bring us into His life.  This is what He is doing with Nicodemus. 

The open book of Scripture shows that it reveals Him.  The candlelight shows that He illumines our minds, and, makes them receptive to His truth.  The sight of being in conversation with Him shows that He is always here for us, if we are willing to go to Him.  May the example of Nicodemus be a source of hope, showing us that we should never be afraid to go to Him with anything that concerns us. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada