Father's Tuesday, 4/21/2020 Message


The picture for today was the closest I could find that brings out the meaning of the first reading from Acts.  It is actually of St. Paul receiving the generous donations from the people of Corinth to aid the Church in Jerusalem.  But, since this would have been a number of years after what is happening in today's reading, we can see that the very nature of generosity exhibited by the willingness to share to help each other has always been the practice of the Church from the beginning to the present day.  In the situation we find ourselves in now, may this same spirit of giving be in our hearts to share what we have: by prayer, by conversation, by letter writing, or by whatever way is possible, to show that the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ on the Apostles, is the same Catholic Church present in the world today, always there to help and support one another. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada