Father's Wednesday, 4/22/2020 Message


The Crucifix is the only image that can fully convey the beauty, the truth, and depth of meaning contained in today's Gospel passage.  It is probably the most quoted, and openly, or, publicly proclaimed passage in the Scriptures.  Yet, is it as simple as people want it to be? If it were, then Jesus would not have stated the words that He did before it about the Son being lifted up on the cross. 

Looking upon Jesus on the cross reveals the ultimate, and, fullest sign of God's love to the world.  It is through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus (the Paschal Mystery we just celebrated) that He invites us to enter into through the mystery of the Sacraments.  Baptism is the doorway upon which we enter into the life of God, and, then each Sacrament is there to help us on our journey.  That is what the Apostles were teaching about in the first Reading, and, for that, they would be arrested and persecuted, yet, they would find great joy in experiencing what Jesus experienced, and, that is the love the Father wants to give us through His Son, Who He sent into the world. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

Lesley Quesada