Father's Thursday, 4/23/2020 Message


Don't tire out yet, hang in there! 

I am writing this as an encouragement, because, for over a week now, we have been reading about the Apostles encounter with the religious leaders in Acts, and, Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus in the Gospel.  We must trust that if the Church is providing us with these continuous readings, then, there must be something we need to learn.  One teaching being revealed to us is about the Holy Trinity, for we see that in each of the Readings with the Father being referred to as God, Jesus, the Son, is sent to us, and, the Holy Spirit, is the gift of the Father and the Son, Who helps us to understand, and, to live the life of God.  This takes time to fully convey, and, unfortunately, it is not always accepted, for, we are told of the religious leaders response to the Apostles teaching.  In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that His testimony is not accepted either. 

Let us pray for the gift of patience during this Easter Season leading up to Pentecost, that our hearts, and, souls are open with a longing hunger to receive the fullness of God's nourishing grace, and love, just as the petals of the flowers are open, eager to receive the Spring rains. 

Come Holy Spirit, fill us with Your love! 

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

Lesley Quesada