Father's Friday, 4/24/2020 Message


The very basic foundation of our Catholic Christian Faith is believing in Jesus Christ as True God, and true man, the Savior of the world.  Without this understanding, or, belief then we can make Him out to be just a good man, Who did nice things to help others.  I don't mean to sound trite in saying that, but, that is the reality of the situation. 

So, how do we come to believe that He is God?  One major way, is that we are able to see, in the sense of having what is written about all He said and did in the Gospels give us a clarity to accept it as true. 

Another way is that we have the witness, or, testimony of the Apostles. They witnessed the miracles of Jesus, today's being one of the greatest, in that it prefigured what He would accomplish in the Holy Eucharist,  We can this in the four aspects of the Eucharist in every Mass: the taking, the blessing, the breaking, the giving. Gamaliel in Acts understood the importance of something authentically coming from God, and, the Apostles bore witness to this, because, what they were proclaiming did not die out, but, continues today in the Holy Catholic Church.

May your faith be strengthened each, and every day, for nothing is impossible for God!! 

God bless you,   
Fr. Robert

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

Lesley Quesada