Father's Monday, 4/27/2020 Message


The President of the USCCB, Archbishop Gomez, will re-consecrate the United States to Mary, Mother of the Church on Friday, May 1st at 3 pm  

The Diocese is preparing the text of the Liturgy so that we can all celebrate it together. 

With May beginning on Friday, the Month is always dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. 

With that in mind, I would like to use the Post today to provide some information on the life of St. Louis Marie DeMontfort, whose Memorial is celebrated today.  Many of you may be aware of, and may already have made, and continue to live his "Total Consecration to Mary."  Pope St. John Paul II took as his Papal Motto, "Totus Tuus," which means totally yours, because, of his own consecration to Mary. 

St. Louis believed that consecrating oneself to Mary was the perfect way to help love Jesus, because, no one was closer to Him, or, ever possibly teach us how to love Him more than Her.  Since I am unable to write everything about him in this brief Post, perhaps you can take some time today to learn more about him, and consider preparing yourself to be consecrated to Mary. 

May God Bless You,
Fr. Robert.   

P.S. for today:  There is a brief YouTube Video from yesterday's Mass by Cardinal Dolan at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York, where at the beginning of his Homily he welcomed President Trump, who was participating through the live stream. He told him that we are all praying for him.  

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.
Lesley Quesada