Father's Thursday, 4/16/2020 Message


When we learn about any subject in life, we have to begin with the basics.  The Easter Season is the perfect time to learn the basics of our Catholic Christian Faith.  And, the basic truth is this: God the Father sent His Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, Jesus Christ, into our world, and, into our life to reveal His love to us, and, to teach us how to respond to this love.  The awareness of this truth, and, the ability to be able to live it, and teach it, comes through the grace of the Holy Spirit.  So, during the Easter Season, the First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles, which shows the Church at its inception after the Holy Spirit has descended upon the Apostles.  Today's readings help to show the great contrast of before, and, after the Holy Spirit.  In the Gospel, we see the fear, and, the doubt of the Apostles as Jesus enters into the locked Upper Room, which could also represent our locking God out of our lives because, of fear, or a variety of other reasons.  I will write more of growing in our faith in the upcoming days, but, for now, just ask the Holy Spirit to help you to grow from being the Apostles in the Gospels, to the Apostles in Acts. 

God bless you, Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada