Father's Friday, 6/05/2020 Message


Today we celebrate the Memorial of St. Boniface.  He was a Benedictine monk in England, called by Pope Gregory II, to preach the Gospel in Germany. So powerful did he fulfill this mission, that he is called, “The Apostle of Germany.”  There he found people believing in everything except the One True God. 

The picture is of him chopping down a tree, which the people believed was sacred, and, thus, was a false belief, and, needed to have truth and love revealed to them found only in the One True God.  It symbolizes the meaning contained in the First Reading that, “All Scripture is inspired by God, and is used for refutation, for correction, and, for training in righteousness.”  May St. Boniface be a guide and inspiration for us to fall in love with the Scriptures, the living Word of God, as a means of leading others to Him. 

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada