Father's Thursday, 6/04/2020 Message


Asking Jesus questions is the underlying theme of today’s Gospel.  And the one asking Him a question we are told is a Scribe.  If that is the only information that was given to us, and, knowing the history of the volatile relationship of the Jewish leaders with Jesus, we may be waiting for another trick question.  But, instead, we are witness to something that is meant to inspire us, and, give us hope.  We are shown how to ask. 

We are sometimes guilty of having false impressions, or, understandings about things, or, people, even about God. Many of the Jewish leaders had this impression about Jesus because, they did not want to hear what He was saying, they just wanted to continue seeing Him as a threat to their authority, or, their way of thinking.  But, this Scribe was different than the others, in that he was truly, and, sincerely trying to understand and live in union with God, and His ways.  And, for this, He was highly praised by Jesus with the wonderful words, “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.”  When questions may arise in our lives, let us go to Jesus, or, Mary (remember, we just spent the entire Month of May reflecting on Her, as our Mother), with open, humble, and, sincere hearts filled with love and trust, knowing that They are here for us, and, want us to be assured that we are never alone. 

May we allow God to use the things we experience in life, to be the source for our helping others who experience the same things.  May the picture also provide reassurance to us, that as His hand is on the shoulder of the Scribe, so, He is always here to come close, and, touch us.  As you receive the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus Incarnate, may it be His touch of love for you.  Please pray for God’s peace to come over our country. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada