Father's Wednesday, 6/03/2020 Message


St. Paul tells Timothy, “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice...So, do not be ashamed of your testimony to Our Lord,” as a means of preparing him for things that he may encounter in following, or, being a witness (martyr) to Jesus, even perhaps to the point of death.  St. Charles Lwanga and his companions lived in Uganda in the 1880’s, and, their lives and deaths bear witness to the truth of St. Paul’s words, for they were neither cowards, nor ashamed.  They served as pages in the palace of King Mwanga. 

Charles was the chief of the royal pages, and, would train them in serving, but, he also taught them the Catholic Faith.  Charles, aware of the sin of homosexual acts, would not give in himself, nor, permit the other pages to give in to the demands of the king, and, engage in homosexual acts, and, for this, they died horrible and painful deaths.  Let us pray through their intercession that we are never afraid, or, ashamed to give testimony to the beautiful gift of our Faith. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert

Charles Lwanga is No. 13. 

Lesley Quesada