Father's Saturday, 6/06/2020 Message


As you know, whether I am preaching in Mass, or, writing these Posts, my intention is to always to try to make what we read in the Scriptures, or, learn from the saints, be able to apply to our lives, for, if not, they are just stories.  St. Paul tells Timothy that people “will stop listening to the truth, and, will be diverted to myth.”  

The Scriptures are truth, and, they must be proclaimed whether it is convenient, or, in-convenient, in other words, whether we are accepted, or, rejected.  What helps, or, enables us to do this?  It has to come from our sincere relationship with Jesus Christ.  Develop a love for The Blessed Sacrament.  St. Norbert, whose Memorial is celebrated today, had a deep love, and, devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and, through his willingness to proclaim Christ, a great reform took place in the Church and the people. 

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada