Father's Sunday, 6/14/2020 Message


While every Mass is a beautiful occasion to celebrate Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, today, on the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, we are given an opportunity to truly reflect and appreciate this gift even more.  As our minds are filled with so many things that occupy our daily lives, we need some time to contemplate the gift of our Faith.  The Holy Eucharist is called the source and summit of our Faith because, since Jesus is God, everything begins and is meant to end in Him. 

His love is always there in that through it He brought us into existence, He nourishes and supports us throughout our lives, and, welcomes us to be with Him forever. May this knowledge of the intimacy and depth of God’s love for you, cause you to rejoice in eager anticipation of receiving Him in the Holy Eucharist. 

Please watch the Mass that was recorded at 5 last night, and available on Facebook and You Tube if you are not able to attend a Mass today. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert

Lesley Quesada