Father's Saturday, 6/13/2020 Message


Today is the Feast of St. Anthony.  Though he was actually born in Portugal, the Italians claim him as their own.  Probably his being associated with the city of Padua, and, his spending much time in Italy had something to do with it, in addition to Italians always being willing to welcome someone into the family.  St. Anthony’s deep love for Scripture, and his desire to share Jesus, revealed there, is one of the main reasons why in statues, and in art he is depicted with the Christ Child coming forth from the Bible. 

Though we attribute to him the ability to find lost articles for us, due to a book of his being returned by someone who stole it, it is really his ability to find lost souls and lead them to Jesus that we should invoke his intercession.  There is a Shrine of St. Anthony in Elliott City, Md., not too far from here that I would encourage you to visit.  You will be greeted as you enter the property by a gigantic statue of a Donkey kneeling in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament being held by St. Anthony. 

Find out why?  May St. Anthony who found himself in so many places throughout his life, be a support for you, as God leads You through the journey of your life, knowing that with your hand in His, wherever it leads, you will be secure and loved, because, He is always with you.   By the way, my grandfather Antonio DelConte was born on this day in Cheeto, in the Abruzzi region of Italy.  St. Anthony, pray for us.  

God bless you,
Fr. Robert

The beautiful statue below is in the vestibule of St. Andrew’s.  Come, visit, and pray.

Lesley Quesada