Father's Friday, 5/15/2020 Message


Today I would like to provide some information about St. Isadore.  He is a good intercessor for our current times when millions of people find themselves out of work because of COVID-19, and longing to return. The story of St. Isidore is a reminder of the dignity of work.   Isidore was born in Madrid, in about the year 1070, of poor but very devout parents, and was christened Isidore from the name of their patron, St. Isidore of Seville. Isidore spent his life as a hired hand in the service of the wealthy Madrilenian landowner Juan de Vargas on a farm in the city's vicinity.[3] 

He shared what he had, even his meals, with the poor. In the morning before going to work, Isidore would usually attend Mass at one of the churches in Madrid. One day, his fellow farm workers complained to their master that Isidore was always late for work in the morning. Upon investigation the master found Isidore at prayer while an angel was doing the ploughing for him.  

On another occasion, his master saw an angel ploughing on either side of him, so that Isidore's work was equal to that of three of his fellow field workers.  While we may not feel, or, believe that we have angel’s helping us, they are here.  Pope St. John XXIII would always pray to the guardian angels of the people that he would have to meet with, for the success of the meeting in accordance with God’s will. 

Let us pray for the intercession of the Guardian Angels of all those in public office who are charged with the responsibility to enable people to return to work, that they may see the dignity of work, and help in it being restored to the people in need, trusting that God will watch over the safety of all.  St. Isadore, pray for us. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert

Lesley Quesada