Father's Thursday, 5/14/2020 Message


Whenever we celebrate the Feast Day of an Apostle, it provides us with an opportunity to be able to see how God chooses us to be involved in His life, and, mission of making Him known and loved in the world. 

In that first century where Judaism was prominent, the aspect of the twelve tribes of Israel had profound meaning for how God was working through his chosen people.  When Jesus comes, He comes to fulfill all of the Old Testament, and, so, He will choose 12 Apostles, who, signify this fulfillment from His time until His second coming. 

This was meant to help the Jewish people see that Jesus, like a Moses, was leading them where God wanted them to be.  Matthias being chosen shows two things:

  1. that God is fulfilling His promise of how He is continuing to work, through the mission of the twelve, and, the Church, and,

  2. that we are called to know Him, as Matthias knew Him, so, that we can help others to know Him also, for it is virtually impossible to tell others about someone we ourselves do not know. 

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada