Father's Saturday, 5/23/2020 Message


When I read this passage about Apollos in the First Reading, I always think of Scott Hahn, the now famous Catholic Evangelist and, author, but, once a Protestant Minister.   I see it going hand and hand with Jesus’ teaching in the Gospel about asking the Father in His name for anything, and, He will give it to us, so, that our joy can be complete.  I believe in these two instances they both asked  in their own way to know the Father fully, as Jesus revealed Him, and, they received an answer to their prayers. 

Please always keep in mind that Jesus came to reveal the way to the Father in a specific way, namely, through the Sacraments in the Catholic Church.  In Acts, Priscilla and Aquila listen to Apollos, but, notice that even though he acknowledges Jesus as Savior, his faith, and ability to teach it, is incomplete.  Priscilla and Aquila take him aside, instruct him, and, even though not explicitly stated, have him Baptized and Confirmed in the Church before being sent back out.  Scott Hahn was also one who preached, but, through the grace of the Holy Spirit realized that he did not have the fullness that Jesus came to give. 

So by his years of prayer and study, he entered into the fullness of faith by coming into the Catholic Church so that he could then teach the fullness of the faith given by Jesus, and, entrusted to the Catholic Church.  This shows us that an openness to enter into the fullness of God’s life can begin in many ways, and, this openness, and continued asking the Father will be answered in ways that will give us an abundance of joy. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada