Father's Monday, 5/04/2020 Message

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

St. Augustine tells us that the New Testament lies hidden in the Old, and, the Old Testament is fulfilled in the new.  What this means is that God's plan of salvation, is meant for everyone, and, it becomes known to us through the centuries as God enlightens us more, and more.  We are blessed to know this because, we are living now, more than 2000 years since the inception of the Catholic Church, where the fullness of Truth resides in Word, and Sacrament. 

As Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies and, promises, so, the Church is fulfilling our Lord's.  In the Gospel, Jesus states the plan of salvation with the words, "I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.  These also I must lead, and, they will hear my voice, and, there will be one flock, one shepherd."  We are able to have, as it were, a bird's eye view of this realization coming to dawn on St. Peter in today's passage from the Acts of the Apostles, as he first learns about the goodness of all foods, but, even more importantly the call of God to bring all people into His life, as he himself sees and realizes that he, representing the Church must make possible, and, does, with Cornelius and his family being the first.

May our hearts always rejoice in being aware of God's love for us, and the gift of the Catholic Church entrusted with the mission to reveal His truth to all the world. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada