Father's Tuesday, 5/05/2020 Message

This is called the Limpias Crucifix because, it was carved in Limpias, Spain.

In Acts today we read, and, hopefully, are actually able to feel ourselves present in the activity.  The passage begins we are told with the disciples having fled Jerusalem in fear following the stoning of St. Stephen.  However, they were still proclaiming the Gospel, but, only to fellow Jews, but, others who were present, mainly Greeks, heard, and, were receptive to the Gospel that started to be preached to them also, and, they began to believe in Jesus Christ. 

When news reaches Jerusalem where the Apostles (the foundation stones of the Catholic Church) were, St. Barnabas is sent, who immediately searches for Saul (St. Paul), and they remain a year, bringing people into the Church, and these believers, and followers of Christ and His Church are called Christians.  This proclamation of the life of Jesus Christ continues through the centuries, and in the late three hundreds the heart of a man who will have a profound impact on the world is brought into this life, and becomes a Catholic Christian through the Sacrament of Baptism by St. Ambrose, and, after many years of prayers by his mother, St. Monica.  T

his man's name is St. Augustine, and today is the Memorial of his conversion.  Volumes have been written about him, and volumes have been written by him, for he could not help but write about the One Who set his heart on fire, namely Jesus Christ. May your heart rest in the One Who seeks to bring you joy, peace, and, fulfillment. Perhaps you can read about St. Augustine today, and, learn about how powerful an influence he has on many people. 

He is one of my favorite Saints, and, I think two pictures help to reveal his heart of love burning for making Jesus and Mary made known. 

God bless you,  
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada