Father's Wednesday, 5/06/2020 Message


As we get closer to Pentecost, we will begin to see the Holy Spirit becoming more prominent in the mission of the Church.  And, He, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity will help us to understand that our mission (of believing in Jesus, and, everything that He taught, and, gave us), is the mission that has been given to the Apostles in the early Church, namely, to make Him known, and, thus to make our Father known, and, loved.  While we may know that we have received the gift and anointing of the Holy Spirit in the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, may we also remember that we receive Him in the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion, for the Blessed Trinity is present in every Sacrament.  May this knowledge help us to see that as Sts. Barnabas and Paul were sent out, so, we are sent out a also, to proclaim the same good news, that we have a Father Who loves us deeply. 

God bless you,
Fr. Robert 

Lesley Quesada